Este de la hunt
Gracias Tom Pagels y miembros de la red, ¡fue fantástico!

Anna, Barbara and Fabrizio from BeOne
Hola a todos, Acabo de aterrizar en Italia🍝🍕 ¡Muchas gracias a todos, ha sido un placer conoceros! Muchas gracias a Tom, Riti y Adi por haber organizado una cumbre tan maravillosa ✨ ¡Espero tener noticias vuestras pronto! Anna, Barbara y Fabrizio de BeOne

Teerapun, Enterprise Transport International Co., Ltd.
Hola a todos. Después de perderme la conferencia durante muchos años, me alegro de haber vuelto a veros de nuevo. Y también es bueno hacer nuevos amigos. También me gustaría dar las gracias a Tom, Riti y Adrien por organizar un evento tan maravilloso. Espero volver a veros a todos.

Monoar Hossain , Brisk Logistics
Muchas gracias por organizar una cumbre tan impresionante después de dos años. Hemos sacado mucho provecho del evento. Esperamos celebrar una cumbre aún mejor en Sri Lanka en 2023. Querida Riti, agradezco sinceramente tu ayuda y cooperación en todo momento. Espero veros a todos. Saludos cordiales.

Chandrakanth & Janaka from TSS Supply Chain Logistics PVT. Ltd. , Mumbai.
Nosotros también estamos de vuelta a casa ahora. Es un inmenso placer asistir a esta conferencia y gracias a todos los asistentes por intercambiar ideas de negocio con nosotros. Gracias a Tom, Riti y Adi por su entusiasmo y por hacer posible este momento alegre ... gracias una vez más por la gran conferencia a todos. Saludos, Chandrakanth & Janaka de TSS Supply Chain Logistics PVT. Ltd. Mumbai.

Liaquat, Seafreight Advisor
Hola a todos, acabo de regresar a mi Pakistán natal, gracias al equipo de WLA y a todos los demás amigos. Fue un evento maravilloso y lo disfrutamos mucho.

Mertkan, Makhill Tasimacilik
Gracias a todos por este gran evento en Dubái, que también fue mi primera reunión en la Conferencia WLA y tenía una gran experiencia con todos ustedes. Espero veros a todos en la próxima conferencia...

Sami, Locofreight
Hola a todos. Ha sido un placer volver a veros después de años de pandemia. Gracias a Dios me he encontrado con viejos amigos y he conocido a nuevos amigos. Vuelvo a casa y os deseo todo lo mejor. Tom, Riti y Adi gracias por vuestro apoyo y ayuda. Ha sido increíble como cada vez que nos vemos. Nos vemos en la próxima conferencia

Abdul Rahman, PSL - Dubai
En los últimos 11 años no hemos tenido ningún problema con los afiliados.
Adi S, Ariel International Forwarding - Israel
Hola Equipo WLA y Andrian ……… Debo añadir que todos los agentes con los que hemos tratado dentro de la red han sido profesionales y fiables y hemos disfrutado trabajando juntos. Que tengáis un buen fin de semana.

Douglas, Renaissance International - Canada
Me complace escribirle como uno de los miembros fundadores de WLA, con gran entusiasmo por su interés en unirse a nuestra red. Los miembros son un grupo muy diversificado, activo en todos los sectores del comercio internacional. Nuestra cobertura global como una red mundial continúa creciendo a un ritmo constante y controlado con solo los mejores agentes en la lista. El nivel de profesionalismo es impresionante y las comunicaciones son rápidas y eficientes entre los miembros y el equipo administrativo de la red. Sus esfuerzos continuos mantienen a los miembros actualizados y unificados a través de boletines de noticias y alertas frecuentes, junto con conferencias y reuniones virtuales de zoom durante estos días difíciles de pandemia. Ahora disfrutamos de relaciones comerciales y amistades beneficiosas a largo plazo con muchos miembros. Podemos respaldar sin vacilación y con gran confianza la red WLA y sus ilustres miembros y delegados. Con la esperanza de que esto le brinde otra perspectiva y le ayude a tomar la decisión de convertirse en un nuevo miembro.

Lennart, BRAANKER WORLDWIDE B.V – Netherlands
You are at the point of making a very good decision. WLA is a very close family and the agent’s in the network are so great. As from the first time we joined WLA, all contact’s were already briliant. We joined close to the first conference I self was attending and from that start I met for the first time the other agent’s while Tom & Riti were also introducing me to them. As from that week I’m still in contact with with all members I met, I have visit many agent in their countries and with some I’m in contact also in private and are truly friends. We do a lot of business within the netwerk and you can always ask Riti and Tom if you have questions or want to discus things.

I want to thank Tom and Riti, my old friends, my new friends, and our partners for a wonderful time in KL. Im very lucky to have Mr Mark as our BDM to take the lead in the meetings and show him the beauty of making not just business connections, but friendships and memories. This morning Tom posted on Facebook a memory from 5 yrs ago in Vietnam... and then tonight i sit in the hotel lounge pouring myself a glass of red wine, and i was reminded that the WLA isn’t just a network of companies - its a group of friends making memories together ... and helping each other with support in business, discussion, friendship. And what made me think of this?... well its this picture in the hotel exec lounge .. a reminder of no matter how much experience you may have ... you can learn something new each day. Like 5 years ago, at the WLA conference in Vietnam, when Cristina WLA Expert Cargo tought me that not everyone in the world respects red wine. Because here, in Japan, they also ruin it with coke. Without the WLA, i may have never known this.But my point remains ... we all share a special bond and have made friendships and learned new things because of the network. I thank you all .

Lennart, BRAANKER WORLDWIDE B.V. - Netherlands
Tom, Riti and team thanks again for hosting last meeting, felt back in the WLA family again.

Paulo Ferreira, MULTICARGO - Portugal
Dear WLA Friends I just landed in Portugal. One more amazing conference, always nice to meet our old and new friends. Hope to see you all soon.

Ganisan, VLI - Malaysia
Dear WLA Friends. It was pleasure meeting each one of you in my country Malaysia. Hope you all had good stay / meeting and enjoyed the local food/ drinks. Keep in touch n see all in soon again.

Dear WLA friends, arrived Beirut now after long journey and will stay here one night and fly to Damascus tomorrow. It was nice to meet you again and many thanks to Tom, Riti and all team and agents to get conference done well. Hope to see you again soon

Martin, AWL MOERDIJK BV - Netherlands
Hi friends. Just arrived in the Netherlands. Thanks again. It was real pleasure to meet you all again. See you next year.

Hi all, I just arrived home. I want to thank everyone welcoming me i to the WLA network. Tom / Riti, thanks again for all York support. The networks has amazing people involved, I honestly felt like meeting old friends. Looking forward to South Africa 2020 and beyond.

Rakesh, CORNICHE FREIGHT & LOGISTICS LLC - United Arab Emirates
Many thanks to Tom, Riti, Adi and all the team members for arranging such a beautiful event and giving us platform to exchange our views, explore new business opportunities and develop personal relationships. And thanks to all the WLA members who spared time for one to one meeting. Wish you all a very Happy Diwali and a very successful year ahead.

Peter Kitiwa, Regional Logistics
I have been able to strike good business deals with fellow WLA members, it’s working so well for me, please make sure we get the posts and updates for the WLA network also to prepare for WLA conference in Malaysia in October 2019 .

It was our first WLA conference, but I must say that Mr. Tom and his crew is very professional and helpful. Their organization and arrangements were awesome, where I never experienced on other networks. There are real agents, which are keen to build mutual cooperation. I had some business at the time I was having 1 on 1. That is what you expect, having real business and having real fun, WLA has both. It was our first time, but will not be the last. Looking forward for next conference.

Dimitri, AWL MOERDIJK BV - Netherlands
Dear all, we left the dessert early this morning. Would like to thank Tom, Riti, Adi and Sami for their great hospitility and fantastic AGM. We will stay in touch, and looking forward to develop new fruitful businesses with WLA members soon.
Dear Tom and Riti,Thanks very much for this appreciation to our company. We are glad to be part of WLA Network!
Georgios - Greece
Thank you all for this amazing conference. Look forward to our after meetings (& drinks) communication. Have safe flights back home!
Dear All, Many thanks from Tarika Group team to all of you and to Tom and team for the wonderful event, Riti and Adi did a fabulous job. Did not even seem like I met many of you for the first time. Made great friends and I hope to build on this with all of you. We are heading to the airport and flying out shortly. Cheers.
Daniel Saccone - Spain
Hi friends, I would like to thank you for being so nice group it was a big pleasure to meet you and hope to see you soon. Very special thanks to Riti ( Rti eres oak mejor ). Tom super conference as always.
Neha Gupta / Nishit Gupta, ATLAS CARGO - India
Dear Tom and WLA team, With the help of reliable and trust worthy partners in WLA, we are able to serve some of our prestigious customers in some of the most difficult areas. Our partners help us with transparent information throughout the follow of the supply chain management. Great to have an organization working to get all the partners together! The conferences further helps business partners become friends and friends become business partners We would highly recommend parties to join WLA Thanks & Regards!!
Dear Tom; Excuse me for delayed answer. It is a Honour for me to get your personal invitation. Since I have to stop my plan to go to last WLA conference at last moment because problems with disc on my spine, I was a dreaming to have the happiness to meet all my friends in this year venue. I really enjoy a lot every conference that you prepare with your taste and knowledge of an expert in all the matters of running a Forwarders Organization in every aspect. Dear Friend Believe me that is a pain for me not being with you in Morocco. Hope You understand circumstances making it impossible for Us to assist and have a new possibility next convention. I will accompany you with my hope of a successful and fruitful venue.
Mike Roy and Aiza
Dear Tom/Riti, We hope and trust you have had or are having a safe and pleasant trip home to beautiful Spain. We also wanted to send a brief note of thanks for the warm welcome and hospitality during our attendance of the recently concluded WLA Conference in Cebu, Philippines. We had an enjoyable time and equally important feel as though there are some genuine business opportunities. This was what we are looking for. In our experience, shipping is still about people and relationships through the good times as well as the challenging times. We value friendships dearly and hope to have made even a few lasting ones. We wish to thank you both as well as Tequilia Jonathan for everything. We also hope to see you again in the near term. Take care and once again thank you.
Thank you Tom for putting on such a great conference; it was good to see everyone and catch up with friends and develop some new business. Wednesday’s activities were a lot of fun and our team winning made the event that much better. Wednesday’s Gala dinner and out drinking afterwards was a lot of fun. But as I had a 10:30 am flight back to the states the next morning, I should have called it a night a little earlier. Granted I have said that to myself many times in the past and still have not learned my lesson. Upon arriving back at the hotel at 5:00 am from a full night of drinking, I requested the front desk give me a wake up call at 6:30 so I could pack and be downstairs for my 7:30 taxi to the airport. I’m sure you can guess what happened, I slept through the alarm and wake up call. I woke up at 8:30 in a state of panic. Heart racing, I packed my bags and was downstairs in the lobby in a matter of 5 minutes. Jumped into a taxi and headed to the airport to try and catch my flight back home. Praying that the Barcelona traffic is nothing like Chicago traffic, I headed to the airport and tried to come up with a Plan B incase I missed the flight. It’s not like I had to get back for a meeting or work thing, I needed to get back to see the Cubs play in the World Series. Well, I made it to the airport in record time and fortunately having Priority status I was able to go to the front of the line and was able to check in for my flight. I made it to the gate 5 minutes before they starting boarding. All’s well that ends well and it was a great conference and let’s make sure we all follow up and develop on sales to grow our businesses.
Senor Pagels!! What a blast! Allow me to congratulate you on putting together another successful WLA conference. It was truly a pleasure to see the old gang and meet new friends and business partners. The team-building activity was a success regardless of final standings – we all got to know each other a little better as the day progressed – lots of fun for sure. Once again, good job and great seeing you after all this time.

Hi Tom, It was a great pleasure to see you at WLA conference 2016 and a joy to know you too. For your information; I’m member of other network; but what is different in yours ; is that you’re like a big family, one knows the other. and this is especially what I seek in the network. is to have the team spirit and business minds. I shall attend every time you organize a conference, for a moment of sharing and joy. So, wish to WLA’s member the glory and happiness! See you soon Tom,
Hello Tom and Team Many thanks for the organisation of the conference. As discussed with Tom, I went into that conference with slightly negative thoughts, largely due to the lack of contact & business I had enjoyed with the WLA when compared to other networks. However, my mind was quickly changed and I very much enjoyed being there and finally meeting some new friends who we hope to be able to develop some business with in the near future. Thanks again for the organisation and I hope to be able to see you again next year in Barcelona.
Thanks so much for a wonderful conference. For me personally I’d say that the conference doesn’t just help my company generate and execute our business better, it helps to build partnerships – it helps make friends
Dear Tom, Yesterday we returned to berlin after our long trip through China. We had the complete understanding that you see such conference as a platform for networking and not just as another possibility to earn member fees. The team event to me was new on such a conference and was a great opportunity to interact with the other members on a different level than on the one to ones. The idea to go outside the hotel to have diner or cultural tours is great. So it was not only the hotel which was lovely, for sure but also the opportunity to see a little more of the impressive location Shanghai, although the time was not enough to see even more. I was surprised to see, that on one hand the attending participants had much fun, but on the other there were many countries not represented by an agent. My overall experience with the conference is, that you provided a great platform for networking with a great mixture of business meetings and side arrangements. You and your team did a fantastic job. Thanks to all of you who were involved in the preps and also during the conference and curious to see all these fotos.
Marina Avakian
Dear Tom /Mercy , I wish to take this moment to thank you all for the kind hospitality and arrangements which led to make worthy experience during our stay in Dubai. You did a superb job as always organizing the meeting , group activities (Dubai Ski) , dinner , desert Safari tour ……… , & thanks that finding new friends in WLA all of which made my days marvelous. Special thank to you and your team , hope to see you all in next year conference…
Dear Tom and Riti,Thanks very much for this appreciation to our company. We are glad to be part of WLA Network!
Georgios - Greece
Thank you all for this amazing conference. Look forward to our after meetings (& drinks) communication. Have safe flights back home!
Dear All, Many thanks from Tarika Group team to all of you and to Tom and team for the wonderful event, Riti and Adi did a fabulous job. Did not even seem like I met many of you for the first time. Made great friends and I hope to build on this with all of you. We are heading to the airport and flying out shortly. Cheers.
Daniel Saccone - Spain
Hi friends, I would like to thank you for being so nice group it was a big pleasure to meet you and hope to see you soon. Very special thanks to Riti ( Rti eres oak mejor ). Tom super conference as always.
Neha Gupta / Nishit Gupta, ATLAS CARGO - India
Dear Tom and WLA team, With the help of reliable and trust worthy partners in WLA, we are able to serve some of our prestigious customers in some of the most difficult areas. Our partners help us with transparent information throughout the follow of the supply chain management. Great to have an organization working to get all the partners together! The conferences further helps business partners become friends and friends become business partners We would highly recommend parties to join WLA Thanks & Regards!!
Dear Tom; Excuse me for delayed answer. It is a Honour for me to get your personal invitation. Since I have to stop my plan to go to last WLA conference at last moment because problems with disc on my spine, I was a dreaming to have the happiness to meet all my friends in this year venue. I really enjoy a lot every conference that you prepare with your taste and knowledge of an expert in all the matters of running a Forwarders Organization in every aspect. Dear Friend Believe me that is a pain for me not being with you in Morocco. Hope You understand circumstances making it impossible for Us to assist and have a new possibility next convention. I will accompany you with my hope of a successful and fruitful venue.
Mike Roy and Aiza
Dear Tom/Riti, We hope and trust you have had or are having a safe and pleasant trip home to beautiful Spain. We also wanted to send a brief note of thanks for the warm welcome and hospitality during our attendance of the recently concluded WLA Conference in Cebu, Philippines. We had an enjoyable time and equally important feel as though there are some genuine business opportunities. This was what we are looking for. In our experience, shipping is still about people and relationships through the good times as well as the challenging times. We value friendships dearly and hope to have made even a few lasting ones. We wish to thank you both as well as Tequilia Jonathan for everything. We also hope to see you again in the near term. Take care and once again thank you.
Thank you Tom for putting on such a great conference; it was good to see everyone and catch up with friends and develop some new business. Wednesday’s activities were a lot of fun and our team winning made the event that much better. Wednesday’s Gala dinner and out drinking afterwards was a lot of fun. But as I had a 10:30 am flight back to the states the next morning, I should have called it a night a little earlier. Granted I have said that to myself many times in the past and still have not learned my lesson. Upon arriving back at the hotel at 5:00 am from a full night of drinking, I requested the front desk give me a wake up call at 6:30 so I could pack and be downstairs for my 7:30 taxi to the airport. I’m sure you can guess what happened, I slept through the alarm and wake up call. I woke up at 8:30 in a state of panic. Heart racing, I packed my bags and was downstairs in the lobby in a matter of 5 minutes. Jumped into a taxi and headed to the airport to try and catch my flight back home. Praying that the Barcelona traffic is nothing like Chicago traffic, I headed to the airport and tried to come up with a Plan B incase I missed the flight. It’s not like I had to get back for a meeting or work thing, I needed to get back to see the Cubs play in the World Series. Well, I made it to the airport in record time and fortunately having Priority status I was able to go to the front of the line and was able to check in for my flight. I made it to the gate 5 minutes before they starting boarding. All’s well that ends well and it was a great conference and let’s make sure we all follow up and develop on sales to grow our businesses.
Senor Pagels!! What a blast! Allow me to congratulate you on putting together another successful WLA conference. It was truly a pleasure to see the old gang and meet new friends and business partners. The team-building activity was a success regardless of final standings – we all got to know each other a little better as the day progressed – lots of fun for sure. Once again, good job and great seeing you after all this time.
Hi Tom, It was a great pleasure to see you at WLA conference 2016 and a joy to know you too. For your information; I’m member of other network; but what is different in yours ; is that you’re like a big family, one knows the other. and this is especially what I seek in the network. is to have the team spirit and business minds. I shall attend every time you organize a conference, for a moment of sharing and joy. So, wish to WLA’s member the glory and happiness! See you soon Tom,
Hello Tom and Team Many thanks for the organisation of the conference. As discussed with Tom, I went into that conference with slightly negative thoughts, largely due to the lack of contact & business I had enjoyed with the WLA when compared to other networks. However, my mind was quickly changed and I very much enjoyed being there and finally meeting some new friends who we hope to be able to develop some business with in the near future. Thanks again for the organisation and I hope to be able to see you again next year in Barcelona.
Thanks so much for a wonderful conference. For me personally I’d say that the conference doesn’t just help my company generate and execute our business better, it helps to build partnerships – it helps make friends
Dear Tom, Yesterday we returned to berlin after our long trip through China. We had the complete understanding that you see such conference as a platform for networking and not just as another possibility to earn member fees. The team event to me was new on such a conference and was a great opportunity to interact with the other members on a different level than on the one to ones. The idea to go outside the hotel to have diner or cultural tours is great. So it was not only the hotel which was lovely, for sure but also the opportunity to see a little more of the impressive location Shanghai, although the time was not enough to see even more. I was surprised to see, that on one hand the attending participants had much fun, but on the other there were many countries not represented by an agent. My overall experience with the conference is, that you provided a great platform for networking with a great mixture of business meetings and side arrangements. You and your team did a fantastic job. Thanks to all of you who were involved in the preps and also during the conference and curious to see all these fotos.
Marina Avakian
Dear Tom /Mercy , I wish to take this moment to thank you all for the kind hospitality and arrangements which led to make worthy experience during our stay in Dubai. You did a superb job as always organizing the meeting , group activities (Dubai Ski) , dinner , desert Safari tour ……… , & thanks that finding new friends in WLA all of which made my days marvelous. Special thank to you and your team , hope to see you all in next year conference…
Liaquat Ali Bajwa
Dear Tom and Mercy, Thanks for managing well organized conference in Dubai this year, we had a great fun there. We are feeling All WLA members are just like one family. Thanks to everyone, specially Mr. Tom and Mercy
Santosh Sarma
Dear Mercy, Thks, it was really nice time we had there for both biz & fun, also thanks to you & all WLA team for the hospitality extended to us, we remember
Ken Chan
Dear Mercy, Thanks for your email. Appreciate for your great jobs to assist us again. We have good fun and hopefully more fruitful return in biz. Let’s keep in touch and look forward to seeing you again.Cheers.
Sean Wu
Dear Mercy/Tom, I would like to say thanks for everything you arranged when we were in Dubai! This is the 2nd time for Headwin attend the conference and this is the first time, my boss and I attend the WLA annual conference. I think we surely will attend the 6th, 7th WLA annual conference…and more! See you in next year! again, Really appreciated to you!
Terry Lam
Thanks Mercy, You have done the great job, thanks for your arrangements over Dubai. See you in future AGM as well, keep contact.
Dear Tom / Mercy, Good Day !!! Hope you all have reached your home safely. We had an excellent time during our WLA Conference from 26th to 29th October’14. We hope you all have enjoyed during your pleasant stay at Sheraton Creek – Dubai. As a Platinum Shipping & Logistics., Dubai, we have organized our WLA Conference in a smooth manner. We hope you are all had a wonderful time during our WLA Conference days…. In future if you need any assistance from Dubai, please send us your enquiries we shall glad to assist you !!!!! Thanks a lot once again, Please stay in Touch !!!!
From Anna with love !
Hi Tom; Mercy & Fada I reached home safely. Will never forget the great time we with together in Dubai. Everything were amazing, meeting, safari desert, ski Dubai, ….I really enjoyed and happy. Thanks to Tom, Mercy & Fada for everything. You brought me a great opportunity to have long friendships with many agents. I strongly believe that it will give me so many opportunities in international business. One more thing, thanks to Tom for offering us to be WLA’s member. I was very happy to hear the introduction about Atlas Logistic, my current company at the meeting.
Patrick Meyepa
Dear Tom, Mercy, Marvin, Anna, Thanks for a good conference with productive meetings. It was a real good experience for our first WLA conference. Hope we can make it in Mauritius next year like birefly discussed. Looking forward to staying in contact with you as well as making some good busines in Mauritius, Reunion, Madagascar and South Africa.
Ross Negus
Tom and the team – great work – superb conference and thank you all very much for the experiences. To all members, so great to see old friends and make new ones. I personally feel really energised an enthused with the business discussions and hope we can all work together much more. Most important though was the personal connection with everyone, like a family or a group of friends together. Friendships make for real long term business and commitment.. The way in which we can all fight the multinational forwarders. I look forward to more discussions when I return to the uk next week, in the meantime I hope you all have a safe journey home, as thanks again to all.
Dear Tom, Yesterday we returned to berlin after our long trip through China. We had the complete understanding that you see such conference as a platform for networking and not just as another possibility to earn member fees. The team event to me was new on such a conference and was a great opportunity to interact with the other members on a different level than on the one to ones. The idea to go outside the hotel to have diner or cultural tours is great. So it was not only the hotel which was lovely, for sure but also the opportunity to see a little more of the impressive location Shanghai, although the time was not enough to see even more. I was surprised to see, that on one hand the attending participants had much fun, but on the other there were many countries not represented by an agent. My overall experience with the conference is, that you provided a great platform for networking with a great mixture of business meetings and side arrangements. You and your team did a fantastic job. Thanks to all of you who were involved in the preps and also during the conference and curious to see all these fotos
Marina Avakian
Dear Tom /Mercy, I wish to take this moment to thank you all for the kind hospitality and arrangements which led to make worthy experience during our stay in Dubai. You did a superb job as always organizing the meeting , group activities (Dubai Ski) , dinner , desert Safari tour ……… , & thanks that finding new friends in WLA all of which made my days marvelous. Special thank to you and your team , hope to see you all in next year conference…
Dinh Bich Hanh
Dear all WLA members, Especcialy with Tom, Mercy, Marvin, Anna – I would like to say many thanks for your good experience & the way you organized for the conference this year in Saigon. It would be a great opportunity for me to meet all valuable members to know each other. Thank you for all members’ precious time and the nice talk we had together by one to one meeting, dinners, funs… Please keep in touch & looking forward to hearing from all of you again. Best wishes to all of you & your family !
Good morning Tom, Mercy and Anna, Meantime, allow me to join Peter and the other attending members in their thanks and praise for the great job you’ve done in organizing this year’s conference. As for all those that attended, it was great to see old friends and make new ones. Wish you all safe travels and continued good health and success in the coming year.
To, Tom, Mercy, Anna, Marvin & My fellow Members/Colleagues, First of all, let me congratulate Team WLA for the wonderful arrangements made for the Conference. It was a great pleasure attending the same. To my fellow members, it was a pleasure meeting all of you and making new friends. Wish you all the very success in the coming year and looking forward to meeting you again.
Paul Worlding
Dear Mercy Thank you for the conference. It was really nice time. I’m also grad to know each other this time and appreciate Tom, Mercy and Anna for providing a great opportunity. Hope to make stronger relationship each other.
Dear all my friends, It was a very good memory that we were together in Ho Chi Minh City.Let’s keep in touch and thank you everyone!
Sven Karlund
I fully agree with Peter A big thank you to Mercy/Tom and Anna/Marvin for a great conference
Mercy, Marvin, Anna, tks for a good conference with productive talks and a personal atmosphere. To all attendends: folks was a great time we spent, and good talks we had. Looking forward to staying in contact with you…
Ken Chan
Dear Mercy, It was nice meeting you in Vietnam. You have done a great job. Let’s keep moving. I would look forward to seeing you in next year.
Hendrotua P. Simatupang
Dear Tom, Mercy, Thank you for the great event held. I’m personally being taken care and had a wonderful moments and gives me the boosts to increase my pace with the fellow WLA member to grow more business cooperation with them. Again, superrrrrrrr worrrrkkk. Big & warm hug…
Excellent – Tom / Mercy / Marvi & Anna You have done an excellent job. It was another successful convention – Saigon 2013. we were very much impressed and had good time with all our members. We had enough time to meet each member and interact each other on the one to one meeting & dinner and exchange lot of business ideas. I feel that every members were serious on their one to one meeting and for sure able to explore their expertise and able to convince other members for future business. Looking forward for next convention.
Mr. Anba
WLA Conference Vietnam Oct 2013 First of all , I would like to thank Mr. Tom, Mercy, Anna & Marvin whom have been arrange a wonderful conference at Saigon to meet all our good members all over the country. Thanking all again and it was really fun and we all really had a good time.
Terry Lam
Hi Mercy and Anna, WLA Conference Vietnam Oct 2013 What a great arrangement of the Cocktail party you held! It was so enjoyable and it made us all to warm up ourselves to be ready for coming daysss. We believe there will be other unbelievable activities afterward, right? See you again tomorrow and next coming couple of days.
Rick Dear Tom
Hi Tom Your and the network’s help is truly appreciated and you are so right – fix this situation with the client first.
…we have quickly gained a lot of business since joining the group and hope we can help contribute to this growth! Just let me know if there is anything that I can do that may help you out.
Dear WLA Team, No doubt a lot of deep positive thoughts and time have been investigated on your 2013 program. The different steps and actions that have been taken by you are very efficient to all WLA members in the purpose to develop our business . We totally believe with the way that WLA Network is managed. We are proud to be partner in your group. We take this opportunity to wish all WLA members MERRY XMAS and Happy NEW YEAR 2013
Ania Kos
Hi Tom, I would like to say Thank You and All Team Member for creating such a wonderful chance to meet other members and have opportunity to talk directly and also have time for very important matter – socializing. You are right that our memory is fugitive some time so I really appreciate if You could send me some pictures from the conference time :-)…… Besides all I mentioned above – thanks again…
Ross Negus
Hey Tom ! Haha yes I’m now back in the UK and trying to shake off a hangover from 3 weeks of ………. Honestly mate, I had such a great time and already looking forward to Istanbul………. Belinda is processing that payment today, apologies there mate. As for the pics………..they look great! Hope all is well with you? I may have a new member for you – my partner from ………. in Christchurch New Zealand. I’ve given him your details and he may be in touch soon…
Good Evening Mr. Tom, Well & wish to hear d same from U. I am in very glad to inform U that our WLA family gathering was an immortal memory to all of us & eagerly awaiting for the next year gathering too. Also wish to inform U further that all your arrangement was fantastic & V all had excellent time at Indonesia for 3 days. This is for Ur kind information brother.
Dear All, Thank you all for good time we had in Bali all together, and should appreciate the arrangement which is done by Tom and his crew ………
Greetings from Malaysia ! It was wonderful meeting all partners in Bali last week . Though the earthquake shaken us a little, thank GOD we are all safe We had all exchanged beneficial information among each other and we can start building valuable business for all of us, as its said agent grow together.
Dear Tom It was nice meeting you all at Bali , and the conference went on very well and my salute to everyone who organize in a such a great way , we had a good time with the participants. We thank you for all your efforts , and we wish you the best of luck next year. Buy for now
Dear Tom, Should once again appreciate your kind arrangements and set up . I found members are more friendly and close to each other and this is maybe due to the fact that they are not a lot. We will always will support you and your team and please feel free to be in touch if there is any assistance you may needed from this end. Hope to see you soon.
Dear Tom, Thanks for your message and we Empire Global much appiciated all of WLA and our partner at conferrence Bali. If you get all picture please send us as well in order to keep in our good memory. Big thanks for take care us again. Have a nice day.
Dear Tom, Hello my bro…are you still in Bali wow…! It was our pleasure to meet you during the WLA conference in Bali last week and hope you had a successful conference ! I’m enjoyable of this Bali trip plus good to know you personally. Thank you for all your arrangement during the days special for Rafting is excite and nice dinner in the beach with delicious Tequila… Also, thank you for kind consideration to add our HK head office as WLA HKG member…… Thank you for your concerning with Shipair in HKG & China and look forward to hearing further fm you **thank you for the picture ………
Ralitsa Bondzheva, GM
Dear Tom hello, Thanks for your message, I’m finally back to work today. It was really pleasure to meet you during 1st WLA Conference. As I’ve mention during the meetings I’m really impressed of what are you doing for the good spirit of the network and being so creative you really gain my interest in investing my efforts in that network. I do appreciate the opportunity of issuing HBL and payment protection program. I’m sure i can find those info from website, but please advise what steps should be taken in order to use those services. Thanks in advance. I wish you great success in running the network and I’m really sure about that. Have a nice evening and see you in Bali! Please send my best to Eva, she did perfect job!
Bill Sharpe
Hello Tom, Sorry for the delay in writing you, but it has been rather busy since Kuala Lumpur and I needed some quite time to actually sit down and put my thoughts onto paper. I thought the first WLA conference went well and it was a good format. We had a good opportunity to get to know all of the members, build relationships and bond. Location and facilities wise, everything was top notch. The hotel was very nice and had wonderful amenities that you would expect at a conference like this.
Pal – Director
Dear Tom, Thanks for your everything you had done for me. Thanks for you best arrangement and effort you have put in to make us all gathering in a good team. I am reach home safely and hope to see you again on Oct, 2011 in Indonesia. Take care..!
Carol Yao (Executive Assistant)
Dear Tom, It’s very nice to meet you in Kuala Lumpur, thanks so much for your assistance to us and please say hello to Eva for me, she is a very beautiful lady. Please remember send me all of the photos once available. Thanks & Best regards,
Dear Tom, Hope you are keeping fine. It was our privilege to be the first one from Bangladesh and thanks for the impressive, wonderful and exciting program what we have enjoyed during the conference and it was great to meet with you and all the members who were present at the WLA. We hope we could enhance our mutual understanding and cooperation after our meetings with the members. Thanks for everything from me and Tanvir.
Alessandro Colasi - General Manager
Ciao a tutti ( that means HI everybody ) first of all I would like to thank Tom to have given me the opportunity to meet all of you, nice and very professional people. I have spent a very good times with all of you. I hope all of you have had a very nice back home trip, mine was good ( as long as someone is interested to know it ). I’m sure that WLA is a very great opportunity to develop our business within the network members;
Hi Tom, having arrived safely back in Germany last Saturday, I would like to thank you once again for this good meeting in KUL. Have met a lot of interesting people, and hope that , sooner or later, something will be coming out of this. I do hope that you have recovered so far from the meeting last week, and are back on full speed on networking. And I am looking forward to see the pictures on the web site. Anyway, thanks a lot again for everything.
Robert NEAGU
Dear Tom, Thank you for the opportunity in attending the WLA Conference. I really had great time during the Conference and I’m confident that more business will get inside the organization. Thank you!
Dear Valued Friends / Partner, it was a great pleasure meeting you at the first WLA-Conference in Kuala Lumpur last week. We hope you all had a good flight back home and a successful restart at your office. We really did enjoy getting to know you in person, and we are looking forward to building up a mutual beneficial cooperation. Let’s start networking !
Pal – Director
Dear Tom, Thanks and I am pleased to confirm that it is nice for me to be your member. Thanks and regards,
Brij Mohan Lakhotia
Dear …… It indeed was my pleasure to have met you and spend some quality time during the team building exercise at the WLA meet at Kuala Lumpur. Take care Thanks/best regards
Thanks ….. Hi Tom, meeting all of you was a real pleasure! All the best,
Tim Hibbard
Hi Tom, Just wanted to send you an email and say thanks for the great conference. Everyone had a ball and we’re already discussing Bali. The general discussions have been great feedback and I imagine there will be a lot of new faces in Bali but unfortunately some return business such as the South Africans….. Thanks for everything over there and we’ll no doubt be in touch.
Ms. Mary Joseph
Dear Tom, Thanking you for the great time we had at KL and do look forward in attending the next meeting at Bali.